Friday, November 5, 2010


Morning Everyone

Well things are great in our house. Got a chance to get outside and dead head all my pots on the decks so now as much as it is not as colourful it is neat and tidy. Quick and easy tonight just going to have Beef Dip from the roast you cooked the other night. Now if you did not cook a roast just go to the deli department of you grocery store and have them shave some of their cooked roast beef so that you can have Beef Dip for supper tonight.

Easy Beef Dip with Fries

You will need to have on hand some hoagie buns, oxo cubes or Bovril by Knorr and some frozen fries. I prefer the sweet pototoe fries but the super seasoned fries are good as well..

When using the Bovril it is a concentrate so you would just put a Tablespoon in your own individual small bowls and add some boiled water from the kettle to make the Aus Jus.

Follow the instructions of the fry package and get them in the oven first. While they are cooking slice up the roast as thin as you can get it . Get the Aus Jus ready and dinner will be served...

Quick and easy both for the cooking and the cleaning up.
Have a safe and good weekend

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